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Image by Leiada Krözjhen


Disciple Making

We are committed to making disciples as our primary responsibility following the command of Jesus.


It is through the disciple-making environments that our character is formed and our unique calling discovered.

Study Group on the Grass

where gospel meets character & calling

Image by Edward Cisneros


We are committed to the local gathering of the church where disciples live in community and serve on mission with one another.


It is through the micro-church environment that authentic relationships are formed and the local body cares for one another.

Bible discussion group

where gospel meets community

Image by Small Group Network


where gospel meets culture

We are committed to equipping and sending disciples as missional agents into our culture to meet people where they are with the Gospel.


It is through this environment that disciples impact the cities and communities where they are called. We facilitate mobilization through various local and global ministry partners.

Charity Work
Young Volunteers

We are committed to...

Our Colaborators

The Kingdom of God is better served when we co-labor together for the sake of the gospel. We serve with various local and global ministry partners.


Our Community

Discover a variety of resources that will help equip and mobilize you to live out your unique call in this world.

Classmates in Library

Our Movements

Our movements are centered on facilitating transformation in the lives of individuals through various missional and ministry settings. From multiplying disciples to mobilizing on mission, you can develop your character and discover your unique call within our community.

Our Beliefs

We embrace core beliefs that are essential to the gospel of Jesus Christ and the Christian faith.


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PO Box 39188

Charlotte, NC 28278




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